Working with a flower limpia for self care

The Mexica tradition is all about connecting to your centre, from here we are strong. The practise of the flower limpia can also be a simple self-care ritual. And the flowers enliven and bring joy to both body and spirit.

Set out your Tlalmanalli (the red cloth for the Earth as your altar) with a candle for the sun and some water for the moon - do it at home, or go out into nature, here we can anchor the heart and the umbilical. We can connect. I take my Popixcomitl (fire pot) to do this, it’s such a beautiful ritual, to quieten, feel the light inside, find beauty and give thanks. A chance to talk to my fire and my water. 

On my Tlamanallli I have a white crystal for the direction of the East, the region of light (Tlahuitlampa) where Quetzalcoatl is, here each day the sun rises - it’s the logic of nature - the light comes back. I have a red chilli for Cihuatlampa, the direction of the Women and the West where Kamaxtletl Xipototec is, the medicine woman with the fire of instinct in her belly, in her sacral, who speaks from a mouth of this fire, and can shed her skin and the skins of others to heal, to renew. In the south, the region of thorns Huitzlampa, here I have the thorn of the Maguey to represent the beak of the hummingbird, and the energy of Tlaloc Huitzilopochtli -because it takes willpower, adaptability, strength of spirit and determination to be centred and come to balance sometimes. And the rain, Tlaloc brings balance. This is how the light gets in. And, in the region of transformation Mictlampa, the North, I have my Tecpatl the stone knife, made from obsidian the most precious tool to cut away the “dis ease” in our souls, to find the light and bring consciousness. Here, all that is known and unknown in all history and ancestry is met with so much respect Yohualtecuchtli Tetzcantlipoca, the dark and the smoking mirror from which consciousness arises.

We are becoming flowers. So even if we have to reduce contact with others at this time - take notice of the flowers, and beauty - and make more beauty. For it feeds the body and the spirit

Remember to put your hands on your heart and breathe there a while. Let your hands and your heart be your medicine. Here you do not need protection, all that is true will flow. And from here, you can work.

With love & ometeotl
Eleanor Cihuaoctoquiani

Eleanor Darley